| qtec-group

20 years of medical technology approval

21st of November 2023

We are celebrating our anniversary. For 20 years, we have been a partner to the healthcare industry and support companies in the approval process for medical devices. From a small business with a handful of employees, the company has developed into an integral part of the medical technology sector. Actually, it is not the company itself, but our experts who have made the qtec Group what it is today.

For us, working with companies is more than just a business relationship. We see ourselves as a dependable partner who is by your side to overcome obstacles together and successfully bring safe medical devices to the market. And this is why we say thank you! Thank you for 20 great years.

A look behind the scenes

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Our two managing directors, Dr. Hans Joachim Graf and Jan Graf, develop future strategies and think about ways to foster a harmonious and efficient working environment. Watch this video to find out what is going through their minds and how they see the qtec Group.

Celebrating our anniversary at the 2023 summer party

Our colleagues from all over Germany came together in Lübeck for this year's summer party, where we also celebrated our company anniversary. We are happy to share some impressions of our team event with you here.


Yes we can help you!

Just give us a call / email and almost 100 experts are standing ready to offer you assistance and support.

Contact +49 451 808 503 60

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